Coastal Walk

Walking for about 1km over these rocks at Lurline Bay at high tide made for some exciting moments.

Hun buns.

The path gets really swanky at Coogee, very nice planning.

This big rope mountain climby thing was still there, albeit less red than it used to be when I was in uni. Couldn’t help but climb to the top for old times sake.

We’ll have one of everything please.

The mains – very nice, entree’s were awesome too.

When we got home from our walk we spotted Mia Mau Mau in the window :)

I’ve not seen my bunny in a couple of days (been missing her!), we planned to hook up today as she’s got Friday’s off. Sun was out and she’s been itching to do some exercise so we made the most of the nice weather and decided to do the coastal walk from Maroubra Beach through to Coogee Beach.

We’ve tried it once before, it goes a bit funny after all the rock work, and the path forces you back onto the street, but this time we forged on and re-found the right track.

The walk was awesome, beautiful views along the way, really nice houses too (especially the concrete castle near Coogee!). We unfortunately undid all the hard work with a fancy lunch special at Ceviche. Entree, main and a glass of wine for $28, so much win!

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One Response to Coastal Walk

  1. Paul says:

    Be careful walking turns to running :) I love coastal rock hopping missions!