Category Archives: Toys

Samurai Taisho Darth Vader



I saw a version of this Samurai Darth Vader a few years back on Hypebeast. When it’s on Hypebeast you usually know you’ll not be able to get your hands on it (rare “limited edition” goods sell fast), but these guys came out again, albeit a little different to the first ones. Robbie sent me a link to a shop on Crunchyroll and I impulse bought one. I’d forgotten about it, but it was waiting for me when I got home from Koh Samui.

The box it came in was huge. I got a bit excited! Only to find out the box inside the box was tiny, and he’s only a small 7inch figure. Shame! Would look AMAZING if he was triple the size!

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A Visit to Family Land

Old school cool! As soon as I saw the shopfront I giggled with excitement. I also noted; hilarious that at some point someone probably got a bit nasty and forced these guys to add the “RC Hobby Creations” to their signage.

The owner Van Huynh has been in the game for a long time, and his enthusiasm shines as soon as he opens his mouth! I can see why Ved’s been a loyal customer for 10 years!

Van runs the shop right. Unlike a lot of new shops, he still stocks all the little bits for all the years. It’s all on show too, which makes for a packed out little shop, giving it that new old stock overseas hobby shop vibe.

Oh snap!

Today I tagged along with Ved from Selectnine, who was after a replacement servo for his Kyosho MP9-TKi2 RC car. I knew I was in for a treat as soon as Ved said it was a bit of a way out, that’s SO Ved! I instantly assumed it was going to be a rad old school hobby shop so I was 100% in. Fuck yeah! Adventure time!

I brought my camera along and took a few shots. Hope you get a kick out of the shop visit as much as I did. If you’re interested in checking out the full feature, visit:

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Olixar Leather iPhone 6S Wallet Case





I’ve had my iPhone 6S since Christmas and I love everything about it except the shape. I really miss the more masculine feeling and looking sharp edges of the 5, and damn this thing is so slippery I’ve already dropped it twice!

I thought about a wooden case, and also just a simple rubber case, but then I thought I’d give this a go in an attempt to not carry a wallet around anymore.

We’ll see how I go! I’ll be sure to report back soon.  PS: I got it from here.

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Merry Xmas 2015

Merry Xmas Leo!

Too cute!

Miles, cheeky monkey!

FEAST! Ham was next level!

Leo and Miles were crazy at pressie opening time, they were opening so fast all my shots came out blurry!


Smart cookie this one.

So smart that Uncle Tin (that’s me) got him a drone! HAHA!

I got toys too whoo! Mum got me the Thunderbirds toys, haha, she’s the best!

Mum also bought me a new iPhone. SO SPOILT!

I’m happy with the 6s, but still love the 5s so much more in terms of design as it’s got square edges, looks more industrial and feels more masculine.

Richie got Miles the Millennium Falcon! There’s around 80 or so stickers you have to put on it to make it look more like the picture on the (HUGE) box.

Miles flying the Millennium Falcon straight into his room for nap time.


Whilst Miles was napping I had a blast putting all the stickers on HAHA.

Love from my sister, haha. So rad!

Pressies from Lewis! He’s a good kid that one.

Xmas; always feels like the end of the year right? Quite hard to boycott Xmas when you have 2 cute nephews! Miles is only 4, but I bought him a drone anyways (LOL!). Mum got me a new iPhone! I so needed it as my old one’s had it.

Posted in House, Toys | 4 Comments

Star Wars Battlefront



My childhood is constantly being re-awakened. All my fave comic books are now movies. The skate companies have re-issued skate decks from the 90’s and now this; Star Wars Battlefront. The most authentic, real deal Star Wars game ever made to date.

A few weeks ago I had EA Games over at my place to shoot the 2nd video of the Need For Speed x Zen Garage S15 Build. The guys noticed that I had Star Wars stuff all over my place, and we got talking about Battlefront, a few days later a T-Shirt and a copy of the game was in my mailbox!

My little review is up on Zen Blog:

Posted in Toys, Zen Garage | 4 Comments

MiPOW Playbulb

In the mail today.

3 easy steps and you’re up and running (not even enough time for a cup of tea!).

The app is super easy to use. Set colour with the colour wheel, brightness with the slider and other functions too.

The colours make the George Nelson bubble lamp come alive!

Blue even!

Looking forward to doing some shoots under this light.

Why so blue Mao?!

A little while back my flatmate bought a phone controllable light bulb which looks absolutely amazing in the awesome George Nelson bubble lamps I’ve got throughout the house. I’ve been meanig to buy one for my bedroom ever since and I finally did so this week.

The MiPOW Playbulb comes nicely packaged (feels a bit like an Apple product), you simply screw it in to your light socket like any ordinary bulb, then download the Playbulb app on your phone from the App Store, turn on your Bluetooth and you’re away! You can set different tones with the colour wheel, you even have the choice of animation (candle flames, strobes, you name it!), you can set the light to come on and off at different times (even with an audible alarm!), a nice feature is “shake” where the colour will change at random when you shake your phone.

What’s super nice though is that even without the app, when you flick the light switch on the light will come on normally (and you have full control of it when you launch the app on your phone).

As much as I hate technology (hate is a strong word, but damn I’ve dropped the ball with computers and stuff!!!), I love this thing! It simply changes the mood in the room quite dramatically. Worth every dollar IMHO!

I bought it from MobileZap. A local online shop I’ve been buying gadgets off for some time now (without issues!).

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GT-R Mornings with Amanda Sierras




I had Melbourne based Model/DJ Amanda Sierras over for a slumber party last night. Such a mad chika! Super smart, super hot and super driven (she’s just about to fly over to Dubai for a 4 month DJ contract!). Just like high school slumber parties, instead of going straight to bed we ended up talking and laughing till the early hours. We’re both a bit buggered, but we’ll be shooting all day today. I’m psyched!

Follow @amandasierras_ (and you can check out our last shoot here).

Posted in Cars, Photography, Toys | 2 Comments

Darth Vader



Had a rad day out with Krysti yesterday, at some point we ran some errands. I had to pick up a few things from the mall and she spotted these HUGE Star Wars figurines at Big W. $50! What a bargain! I was initially drawn to the storm trooper, but on closer inspection, the Storm Troopers have rubbery heads which didn’t quite look right (their bodies were gloss white plastic). Darth Vader though, well he’s just bang on!!!

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Goodies in the mail

Care package at my doorstep.

My models are the best! I’ve received bottles of champagne, wine, whisky, money, Asian sweets and today I came home from lunch and found a parcel at my doorstep which I initially thought was going to be aquarium goods, but to my surprise it was a whole lot of awesome stuff from Cayla, a girl I shot last week!

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Voltron T-Shirt

Nanami’s belated B’Day gift for me!

WHOO HOO! Voltron T-Shirt! SO COOL!

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