Ear infection

Hope you’re not eating your breakfast whilst reading this.

Every few years my ears get blocked form ear wax. Ewwwww, yeah. My old doctor told me not to use earbuds to clean out my ears, seems like when I do use them they just push the wax further in and that causes the blockage. I’ve had my ears flushed out twice before, basically I use ear drops for a week, then the doctor flushes out the build up wax with a huge syringe filled with hot water.

A few days ago I found myself picking at my right ear. I think I was half asleep? I tried to clean my ear out with an earbud and yep, fucked my ear up good. I had to go in to see the doctor to get a shot in any case (Jamie’s baby is popping out tomorrow so the whole family has gotten whooping cough shots in preparation) so I had him have a lok at it, and too right, it turns out I have an ear infection.

Same drill, ear drops for a week then he’ll flush shit out. As soon as I got home I used the ear drops on the right ear, then the left. As a result I’ve lost all hearing in my left ear and I can only just barely hear with my right. I’ve been in a strange place the past 2 days, it’s amazing how out of whack I feel considering there’s nothing at all wrong with me otherwise. I missed the INfront Apple Talk at the Apple store last night because I just didn’t feel confident to go out into the world with poor hearing, and tonight I’ve got the Senna screening which I absolutely have to attend… it’s going to be interesting!

EDIT: Hot water + a syringe did the trick (you don’t want to know about the amounts of wax that came out, crazy gross!) and now I can hear again! Like never before. YAY! It’s like turning the treble up. Even the clicking of the keys on my keyboard, mouse, and when I walk the rustling of my clothes. BIONIC!

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2 Responses to Ear infection

  1. lemmiwinks says:

    Have you tried ear candling? I know people who have used it and reckon it’s great.

  2. Justin Fox says:

    Google ear candling and you’ll find it’s all a scam. I’ve tried it, the instructions state that it’s nothing more than a mental feel good product haha!

    Ears all fixed though. Ear drops, syringe and hot water did the trick! :)