MC Cyclery hits the Dam

MCC hits the Dam.

7.30AM at MCC. The boys had to be back by 11am to open the shop.

8.30AM we’re at the Dam (Dam Sydney traffic!).

Barry’s 5 year old mint, as new Specialized Epic.

Group shot.

Joe’s awesome at hucking off stuff.

Barry’s in his 50’s and he goes hard!

Justin doing the Dam on a hardtail, full rigid single speed dirt jump bike.

Grant hucking the big drop…

… and tasting the ground. The man got up and did it again right though. RSPCT!

I got so shitty that my testicles weren’t big enough on the day to do the drop that I went back the morning after and did it. Talk about peer pressure.

I bottomed out hard and mashed my right ankle too.

That about ends the insane riding weekend for me. Friday night pissed late night riding session, Saturday Centennial Park for Suga’s maiden TCR voyage, Sunday MCC Manly Dam ride and I drove straight over to Loftus to ride with Grant (great guy I met through the BMU forums) Eddie, Thanh and friends and Monday Manly Dam with Felix and Steve, another great guy we’ve met through the BMU forums.

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