Category Archives: Family

Up in Smoke

Mum just sent me this video from our trip to China late 2017. Had to upload it! Was such an epic moment!

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Mum drives me everywhere. Time for me to get a car and start driving again me thinks.

David Jivan has moved!



Loving his new office. It’s a house, but has been converted SO well. Heaps of natural light and above all, great vibes!

He’s kept the hole in the wall from his last office!

Mum took me to see David Jivan today. Naturopath Extraordinaire. I had to tell him all about my adventure down to the depths, and my current climb out of the hole. He was shocked, of-course, and sympathetic. He also bolstered me up with extra time to just talk shit, and tell stories. Felt more like a well being spa than an office. Loved every minute of it!

Oh, and I got a few takeaways too. Stuff to help me sleep, stuff to help bring out the good energy, stuff to make my insides better!


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I Drove My Sister Mad


I’ve not seen my sister since Australia Day 2016. It was Mum’s B’day and we had a huge fight. As a family, we’re 3 peas in a pod (my Dad passed away when I was 18, I’m 44 this year) so as you can imagine, it’s been fucking savage on my Mum who’s very much in the middle.

I’ve spent my whole life reassessing the rules to judge for myself what’s right and what’s wrong. ‘Family Comes First’ sounds like a pretty logical and respectful rule for life, but for the past few years I’ve really been struggling to agree.

My sister and I have fought since we were little. Always verbal, never physical (the closest I’ve ever come to hitting her was a pillow fight). As a kid I spent a lot of time at my Mum’s side. She ran a successful fashion store at Centrepoint Tower in the city and did her own alterations which meant she spent a lot of nights sewing garments till late. I’d often keep her company on these late nights (whilst my sister and Dad were asleep).

My sister was Dad’s little princess. Whenever I’d fight with her she’d yell for Dad and I’d get hit. I have memories of sharing the same room with her when she was really little and I’d wake up to her screaming off the top of her lungs for Dad every single morning. I also have a memory of Dad buying me a huge Faber Castell texta set which had every colour of the rainbow. My sister wasn’t happy I got such an amazing gift so she proceeded to go through every single texta, from dark to light, clutching the pens like a dagger and drawing huge circles on a pad of paper, she went through every single colour and by the time she got to the light yellow textas she was ruining the felt tips by running them over the dark circles on the page.

When some of the relos moved in we moved out to a bigger house down the road and my sister and I had separate rooms. There were times where relos stayed with us for long periods of time, in those times my sister and I would have to share a room and that was pretty unbearable for both of us as we were now older and I needed more privacy and space. Even listening to music was impossible as both of us would play different CD’s from different stereos in the same room.

I was a good kid growing up, but I caused a few dramas in high school. It got to a stage where I just couldn’t stand my sister anymore. I always felt like I wanted to hit the ‘eject’ button. One night I did. I packed a bag and was ready to leave the house to live on the streets but Dad caught me. I remember Mum, Dad and I being up at some wee hour of the morning having a meeting in the kitchen about WTF it is I was trying to do.

I somehow got permission from my parents to sleep out the back in the pool shed. IE: We had a swimming pool and next to the pool was a small fibro shed for the pool pump. Dad got some friends to help extend the shed and I ended up sleeping out there for years. I had a bed, my guitars, a huge stereo (which helped to drown out the loud intermittent pool pump!) and a small Black and White TV for chills. Mum got me a cordless phone so she could buzz me when dinner was ready. I had no sink or toilet so I’d still have to go in for food and showers (I mostly pissed over the back fence).

When Dad passed away the 3 of us went separate ways. We weren’t inspired to seek therapy, we just got on with our lives. Mum found strength in the church, I went crazy experimenting with art, music, babes and drugs and my sister… well, we don’t know what happened to my sister. She was 15, and as far as I know she locked herself up in her room.

We moved in to a huge 2 story house where Mum took one room upstairs and my sister had the rest. I took the granny flat out the back. The house had 2 street frontage so I had my own garage and street entrance/exit. It was a huge upgrade from sleeping in the pool shed. I was in a long term relationship and my partner at the time and I missed my sisters 21st B’Day Cruise. Long story short; we were in Manly and couldn’t make it back to Circular Quay in time, mobile phones weren’t such a thing back then so we made the (bad) call to stay in Manly.

It’s taken me a lifetime to understand that just because I don’t like flowers doesn’t mean flowers don’t mean anything to my girlfriend. Or just because I don’t give a shit about my B’Day doesn’t mean people don’t care about theirs.

My no show at my sisters 21st was pivotal. I sometimes wonder if it was my only chance to step up to be a father figure for her, or not… I can’t be sure but the thought does cross my mind.

I was on a charge when I graduated from Design School. I was fronting The Australian INfront. A design community that was making waves. We had monthly meetings and my sister was involved initially (I always felt she was a copycat with my taste in music and her signing up to the exact same design course as I did didn’t surprise me), but before long she bailed out completely. When I asked why she replied that she found me intimidating. This floored me as it felt like she was in competition with me instead of being in competition with herself. I was going at such a frantic pace that I didn’t really address it, instead I charged on.

I had 2 long relationships end during these design years and my sister never got along with either of my partners until we broke up, then she would be besties.

When my sister and I would fight she’d often end the fight with threatening to disown me as a brother. It’s taken me a long time to understand where the word ‘disown’ comes from, at the time I always took it for being overly dramatic and ultimately said just to stab and hurt, but now I can see 2 shades to everything.

After my 2nd long term relationship broke up I started seeing a girl who was previously friends with my sister. Despite my warnings to stay out of it, my sister couldn’t stand rejection from the girl I was seeing (who was going through all sorts of crap in her life) and she forced her way into our lives which ultimately split shit up.

I’m not big on kids, and often used the word ‘hate’ in reference to kids. IE: I HATE KIDS. My sister popped out 2 gorgeous kids, and I’ve seen how much work she’s putting into them. My sister tried to get me to get closer to her kids, but the more she tried the more resentment I felt.

Because of her kids our weekly family dinners became bi-weekly and then they just didn’t happen at all.

For a while I’d only see my sister on bigger family occasions, and it seemed like we would fight on days that were especially special to Mum, like Mum’s B’Day or Mothers Day. The last time we fought was Mum’s B’Day, we were having dinner at Reynold’s new restaurant (the Asian kid who won MasterChef the previous year). My sister is a healthy food freak and at some point during dinner I joked that I couldn’t wait to take her kids to McDonalds one day. This REALLY offended her. She looked right through me and said “Don’t you fucking dare talk about my kids like that”.

That’s just the thing with my sister and I, it’s always 0-HERO in a heartbeat. It’s obvious that if the joke came from anyone else on the table it would have been funny, but with anything that comes out my mouth, she’s loaded and ready to pounce. The fight went on for a bit, again, this was my Mum’s B’day.

I was the designated driver that night. I drove my Mum home first (Randwick), then was going to drop my sister off next as she was living in the same suburb as me, just a block away from my house. When Mum got out I turned on the exhaust (I owned a very loud supercharged R32 Golf at the time) then proceeded to drive like a dick whilst screaming all sorts of profanity at my sister.

I drove my sister mad. She fought back for a bit, so I just swore even more and drove even harder.

It’s only a few km’s from Randwick to Maroubra but I said a lot in that time… I cornered, accelerated and broke hard on purpose to rattle her cage and halfway to her place she was in tears and scared for her life.

I’ve not seen her since. I’ve had all the relatives hear both her side and my side of the story in regards to the road rage incident. She says I ran red lights and tried to kill her. I know for a fact I didn’t run any red lights. I also didn’t go past the speed limit (but cornered a couple of times at the speed limit). I wasn’t out to kill myself or damage my car! I just wanted to rattle her cage as I’d had enough of her.

We tried to do family therapy but my sister wouldn’t play, suggesting Mum and I go first to fix our issues, then she would join us. I opened up Pandora’s Box. It took me 6 months of therapy with mum to apologise to my sister. Sure, I could have written something convincing using my mind, but this had to come from the heart and for that to happen I had to bring back memories of when I truly did love my sister, and those moments were way back when I’d walk her hand in hand to the corner shop to buy 40cent paper bags of lollies.

Even then I remembered that she was so dead cute in her little white dress the relos would beg her for a lolly, but “NO!” She’d snap her lolly bag away and never give up any, that’s when all the relos would look at me, and whilst hesitant, I always gave up my lollies because my sister didn’t.

It took 6 months but I finally wrote my apology letter from the heart. I sent it to my sister via email and I also put it in her letter box. It took months for my sister to reply. In that reply she rejected my apology. I fell apart. I stopped driving, started wake and baking, gamed a lot and just found myself down in a hole.

Recently my Mum told me that when I was at my lowest, and contemplating suicide, she begged my sister to reach out to me but she refused to. She begged her husband to reach out to me too, be he also refused to. This news hit me like a 2 tonne heavy thing. Those months were a blur and I have hardly have any memories, but I had NO IDEA that my sister knew anything at all about my down state. Hearing that she knew, and knowing she chose not to reach out really hurts.

I’ve been hurting ever since hearing this and questioning whether I can still keep pushing (forcing) my Mother to get us 3 into a counselling session together when it’s now dead obvious to me that my sister really doesn’t want me in her life.

Life is short.

Every time I think of my sister I think of this, and I stay determined to try and find a way, but now I’m truly starting to sway.

‘Family Comes First’ has kept me from being me. I’ve been honest but not completely open about my family problems out of respect, but I’m exhausted from trying to fix it and I’m drained from keeping it all in, so now I’m willing to talk about my family issues in public without caring about what my sister thinks, nor anyone else who chooses to look at this as ‘airing dirty laundry’.

I’ve accepted that my sister has cut me off. I’ll always be here when she’s ready, but ‘life is short’ and I’m moving on.

Also on medium.

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Tie Dye top and NIRVANA painted large on my guitar.

Massive thanks to a mate of mine from High School Chris Martin, for sending me the full 1992 Sydney Boys High Yearbook. What a trip! I say some telling things in retrospect… especially love going through what everyone left in the book, it’s epic!

Nickname: Noodle, Gooz’n Look’n….. the list goes on.

Ambitions: To direct the new ultimate erotica, “In bed with Ms Arnett” movie.

Dream Date: Ms Arnett, Suze Demarchi of the Baby Animals

Most Vivid Memory: Ms Arnett, shitting in my nappies when I was very young, pissing in my mum’s face when I was very, very young, vomiting 15 times in one night on Mount Steel, jumping for joy when Outterside left, suiciding when Stratford took his place.

Whom do you most admire?: Ms Arnett, Kurt Cobain of Nirvana, The Black Crows, Dave Mustaine of Megadeth, Wendy James of Transvision Vamp.

Greatest Achievements: Ms Arnett?! You know the time that somebody bombed the school?, yeah, that was me. You know the time that somebody blew up Outerside’s car?, yeah, that was me. You know the time when somebody threw shit all over Bordignon’s face?, yeah, that was me. You know the time when somebody set fire to the non-flammable million dollar poor excuse for an assembly curtain?, yeah that was me………

Quotes: “Well believe you me I’ve got nothing up my sleeve except a heart and a chip on my shoulder, yes I’m young and don’t like getting older.”

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Happy Birthday Liz!

Image title: LizRocks.jpg

Facebook told me (#sadbuttrue) that it’s my good friend Liz’s Birthday today. I messaged her to ask how old she was, she replied: “Fucking older than you! Lol”.

I forget that Liz is older than me! I love it that some creatives out there consider me somewhat a mentor to them, but those friends closest to me know that I’ve been looking for an older mentor my whole professional life. Now I think I’ve had one all along! It’s LIZ!!!!!!!

I’m gaining so much clarity not smoking bongs. Beautiful memories are coming back, food tastes fucking amazing, my head is positively charged! At some point I’d love to take (or get a mate to take) some really good photos of Liz and I together. We have a few, but I want more! Positive energy and love is the way.

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Chinese New Years 2019 @ Queen Chow

Family decided to celebrate this year at Justin Hemmes’ new restaurant in Enmore (Justin Hemmes owns Merivale and I used to do design work for the wanker). I was like oh noes, its gonna be expensive, and we’re supporting a Sydney Playboy here, not a chef…

43yrs old still getting dem red packets!!!


Always awesome to see mum happy!

OK this Alaskan crab & pork xiao long bao with gold flakes was the best fucking yum cha I’ve had in my life. This Chinese New Years special, with the fucking crazy rich asians gold leaf, was so juicy and the crab tasted like it was caught this morning, fresh from the ocean. Fucking wow. Even a local Guangzhou chinaman would lose his shit tasting this. We ended up ordering 2 more serves!

Also SO SO good. The one with the red bean that we usually find in stinky medicine, that one in particular was fucking epic mushroom goodness.

Oh de long life noodle.

#wearefamily – Was awesome to finally catch up with my cousins. Not as much awkwardness as I thought there would be as I hadn’t been attending the larger get togethers for about a year now.

This is meant to be like the flavour of the year or some shit, voted on some world wide challenge. I took one spoon and was like OMFG it’s just… so so sweet… way too sweet (funny as I loved sweet stuff when I was punching cones all day). I thought it was missing an adult coffee flavour. Lesson: NEVER ever say something is the best, ever? Hype kills.

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Gotta Have Faith




I’m seeing a separated woman of strong faith (it’s complicated). Her husband (also of strong faith) broke one of the Ten Commandments. They have a gorgeous 4 year old son and have decided to go through divorce.

Does what we do here on Earth even matter? It’s hard for me to believe it does when, every now and then, you get blaringly loud signs from God that you’re not at all in control of your own life.

A few months ago I met 2 Elders. I’m thankful to both of them for taking the time out to invite a total stranger into their home. They listened to what I had to say; everything from earbashing Mormons on weekends as a kid to vultures trying to convert Dad to Catholicism on his dying bed.

Through visual storytelling they helped me to see Religion in different ways, they helped me to understand that God is not to there to be blamed for what others do wrong, it’s more about your personal relationship with God, and his offer to walk beside him is there for me if I wanted it.

They tried to convert me on the spot, but I ninja turtled into my shell. They’re not going to get me that easily! They then asked if I was at least willing to try to talk to God before I left. To make a prayer. I did this without much hesitation, and realised that speaking to God feels just like speaking to Dad.

When I speak to Dad I ask him to please look after my mother and sister (sometimes out loud at his gravestone, sometimes in mind), I feel that I speak to my father like one would speak to God.

I was then asked if it would be OK if they said a prayer for me. Of-course! I was SO down! They asked for God to show me a sign within the next 7 days, a sign so strong that I wouldn’t have any doubt about God’s existence.

I got that sign too, LOUD & CLEAR.

My mother let me know that an esoteric family friend looked into my future and told her that if I don’t settle down with this married woman, I won’t get another chance again to have kids and a normal family life. I’m like Mum, please.

Later that afternoon said married woman and I were slothing on the couch going through design posts on my personal blog, we scrolled all the way back to 2013 (yes we were bored) and we came across an interview I did with raised by wolves.

It’s a good interview! I really enjoyed re-reading it as I felt it encompassed quite a few of the things I had going on, that I’d like to get going on again!

The next morning the doorbell rang and I took delivery of this amazing parcel.

It’s the sign I was looking for! A smack in the face! A printed edition of raised by wolves with the interview that I did in 2013, the interview that I just happened to read last night, printed and laid out so beautifully in front of my eyes in the morning.

OK. So God exists. Does that change anything? Well… not really?!

I have more questions, and so long as I have questions I’ll forever ask them… because to question is to live, right?!

I’m a good person, but I could be a better person. I could learn to better respect others’ beliefs, to better listen and learn from them before so quickly deciding whether to give influence or take influence.

I believe God exists, but to be a good person has nothing to do with Religion.

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“What About Bob?” and the importance of taking Baby Steps

Baby Steps.

“What About Bob?” (1991) was a hilarious movie to me as a 16yr old teenager. It’s even funnier to me now at 43. In the movie Bob (Bill Murray) gets given a book written by his psychiatrist Dr. Marvin (Richard Dreyfuss) called “Baby Steps” (a book that I, and surely many wish actually existed!).

Bob: Baby Steps?

Dr. Marvin: It means setting small reasonable goals for yourself one day at a time. One tiny step at a time. Baby steps.

Bob: Baby steps.

Dr. Marvin: For instance, um… when you leave this office, don’t think about everything you have to do in order to get out of the building, just think to what you must do to get out of this room, and when you get to the hall, deal with that hall, and so forth… you see? Baby steps!

A lack of any kinda of consistent pattern in how I lived my life for a few years eventuated in 6 solid months of smoking an ounce of weed a week, not getting off the couch, not eating right and most important of all, not sleeping well. The lack of sleep made me crazy. It all became obvious to me when I was watching serial killer documentaries; all these guys were pretty normal until they didn’t sleep for 3 days, and that’s what I believe drove them mad enough to go through with their evil plans.

Impatience is a curse.

Wanting to hurry things up once you’ve had enough of feeling sorry for yourself and thinking too big isn’t great when you’re down, as the last thing you want to do is disappoint yourself even more. When I was at my worse I couldn’t even get up off the couch to piss in the bathroom (I’d piss in a mountain dew bottle instead), people were suggesting I get back on the bike, or go for a swim at the rock pool, but they didn’t understand that those most mundane every day things were the hardest things to do.

Taking a deep breath is a small step. It’s amazing how the small tiny little steps have been massive for me lately. It’s like when Dad died, he just had complications on top of complications until he was, well… dead, but man if he was to have had any tiny little baby step forward, we would have taken it, no matter how small a step, as it might just have been the sign we needed to turn the tide.

I’m in a really good place right now, and I’m already starting to develop some big plans. I feel I’ve gotten back on track by A) getting some sleep and B) setting myself up with some very small goals which I’ve absolutely smashed out of the park.

Comedy or not; “What About Bob?” made an impact on me as a teen, and the simple concept of “Baby Steps” is one that I will for sure utilise from time to time in future.

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Year of the Pig


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Been Caught Stealing

Jane’s Addiction: “I’ve been caught stealing. Once when I was 5”.

Did anyone else shoplift when they were kids? I stole a LOT and never got caught (I’m sure I’ve paid it back in karma tho?!).

A good school mate who lived in my area and I used to catch a bus into the city most weekends. We went so often, his parents thought we must have had girlfriends and that we were going in to the movies on dates every weekend. Little did they know that we were actually shoplifting.

We would both wear big coats and backpacks. You could very easily roll magazines into your arm sleeves. I had a jacket I wore under my coat that had zippers all over it (everything bought in Hong Kong on holidays had zippers all over it at the time!). I used to shove POSCA PENS in the zipper pockets (which were fake pockets that just dumped the pens into the jacket lining allowing me to carry a LOT of stuff).

We got more and more brazen and started to do some legitimate shoplifting. We would take a 10 pack of TDK blank cassette tapes from Woolworths on George Street and simply go down the escalator, with goods in hand, and exit via the QVB Exit. scot-free.

On one weekend we thought we’d head into Chinatown to lift. Big mistake as my mate’s tall, and white! The first shop we went into I loaded up, got out and crossed the road to wait for my mate to come out, but he was stopped. I saw him lift his arms and all these pens just fell out onto the street.

I never saw that mate again on weekends. I’m sure his parents busted his nuts. Didn’t stop me though, I just went on to new heights.

One weekend we got a crew together to check out this huge CD & LP sale at the Hordern Pavilion (The Hordern is where all the big rock and metal bands play in Sydney). We pooled our cash together and with it I bought a few hundred dollars worth of LP’s and CD’s, walked out, emptied the goods and walked back in with the receipt.

Any one of us could then walk in, get whatever CD’s and LP’s we wanted to so long as the value was the same as the original receipt. If security asked to see a receipt for the goods in hand you’d just produce the receipt we started out with earlier that day.

Porn mags were sold like crack cocaine in high school. I remember some of my guys throwing porno mags into the year 7’s playgrounds for free, only to hook them into buying new editions each month.

It wasn’t until my little sister got caught shoplifting that I stopped. Mum and Dad had gotten a call from a store to say they had my sister, and that she had been caught shoplifting. This hit my parents pretty damn hard as they themselves ran a retail store in Centrepoint Tower (now Sydney Tower). My little sis copped it pretty bad from Dad, so bad that I never ever wanted to have Dad that mad at me… so I quit!

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