Note to my Patrons


Just a sincere note to say thanks for your support. It’s not just financial support to me, it’s more like a justification that what I’m doing and what I like to do is worth it.

I’m still a little upset that Patreon thinks that some of the work I upload is pornography. I’ve not really got anything against pornography, but I’m an Artist, and a professional Graphic Designer. I consider my work to be art, not porn.

It’s far too easy for anyone with access to the internet to search for pornography, and find it for free, so it means so much to me that you guys are willing to pay to see my work, and because of your support I’m so happy to share.

I’ve been going through the process of setting up an OnlyFans page for posting imagery and videos which Patreon consider pornography (masturbation/suggested sex etc.). I’m stuck on a security check atm, but if I ever pass it, and launch an OnlyFans page I’ll be sure to let you guys know.

My Patreon Page:

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